Ways to cleanse & charge your crystals

Ways to cleanse & charge your crystals
20 May, 2019

There are various different ways to cleanse your crystals, here are some great ways for you to do it. 

  • Water. Using rain, moon or salt water to soak them in. You wouldn’t do this with any salt based or softer crystals such as selenite, malachite, celesite, Amazonite, pyrite. 
  • Smoke. You can run your crystals through the smoke of an incense, sage or palo santo stick. 
  • The earth. Bury your crystals underground for 24 hours this allows the earth to absorb any unwanted energy. 
  • Selenite. Placing your crystals onto a selenite tower, bowl or plate. 
  • The moon. The full moon light is a great powerful way to cleanse and charge your crystals. Simply place them in the moonlight, either on your windowsill or in a safe place in your garden.