A Safe Space

A Safe Space
1 November, 2022

I often find that a lot of people come into the shop looking for answers. Hoping we can recommend them a crystal to help with their mental health, or they'll ask us what we recommend for anxiety, stress, depression or a specific disorder. They'll even apologise and say "you must think I am being silly".

My response is usually the same. I absolutely do NOT think you're silly in any way. And the reason for this is because our shop is a Safe Space.

Myself and my colleagues have become almost like (unqualified) therapists, listening to peoples stories and understanding their feelings, fears and anxieties. Whilst I would never claim to offer any advice in a professional capacity, I do always try to understand and lend a caring ear. As someone who has suffered many years of mental health issues, I am very open and honest about this. Many years I had spent suffering in silence and letting myself be bothered about what other people thought of my brain and how it attacks me. Many times I pushed away those who loved me and alienated myself because I didn't think anyone would care about a condition you can't see or that can sometimes make you out be unreasonable or act in a way that is not "normal". 

And that is half the problem isn't it? So many of us are afraid to talk about through fear of ridicule, rejection, misunderstanding or feeling like a burden. And that is why mental health is still discriminated now. Don't get me wrong it has come on leaps and bounds, from centuries ago, to even the last 20+ years I have personally battled with. 

I learnt the hard way that I needed to speak up. And if you ask me why that was, I'll happily tell you because I need you to know, how you are feeling is valid, and if my story helps just one person then I would feel I have done the right thing by sharing. And in the past others have told me that hearing my story has helped them to speak up. It's an amazing feeling to be able to help someone, I highly recommend it.

Here at The Hidden Gem we too have all struggled with our fair share of mental health battles. From depression, fear, anxiety, grief, anger, you name it. And we have all turned to a more holistic approach to treat these problems.

Through crystals, meditations, reiki, herbs, aromatherapy, Nootropics Coffee, Full Power Cacao, herbal teas, wellbeing products such as bath bombs and shower steamers, incense, sage and even room sprays all of which we have in our wonderful little haven/shop. 

We are also all on our own wonderful spiritual development journeys that we would love to share with should you be interested. 

Through The Hidden Gem we have been able to help ourselves as well as others by tackling things in a different way. With a service that is understaffed and underfunded and can be impossible to get help from, a holistic path may well be the way forward for many people. 

So, if you're feeling in need of some advice or just to talk or even a hug, then come see us and we are always happy to help.

Written by Stephanie