Trust Your Intuition

Trust Your Intuition
23 February, 2023
On my 21st birthday my father took me to a Spiritual Development workshop hosted by a wonderful and renowned psychic medium named Bill Harrison, who sadly passed away many years ago now.
We started the day sitting in a circle, sharing our names and a little bit about ourselves. At the time, (nearly 17 years ago) spiritualism wasn’t as understood and practiced amongst people my age like it is now or at least I certainly didn’t know anyone. I was the youngest by far at this event!
Whilst introducing myself, I told everyone how I was celebrating my 21st birthday that very day, when suddenly this elderly gentleman came up to me and placed a clear quartz pendulum in my hand. He told me he used it for contacting his wife (otherwise known as pendulum dowsing) but he wanted to pass it on to me for safekeeping. It was a beautiful gift and one I have kept with me all these years.
After introductions, we split off into two different groups and my dad and I were separated for the rest of the day. In our groups we participated in different workshops, starting with one learning about healing, something I was gifted with as a child (my mum used to call me her little Jesus). It was the first time though, that I had given healing to a stranger and it felt like I had unlocked a path, one that I have had the fortune to follow via the medium of reiki, and one I am excited to expand on in the near future.
Following on from this, our group met a lovely clairvoyant, (sadly I have forgotten his name now) who used the medium of drawings for his readings. I had never met anyone at this time who did this, and when he told us we would be doing the same, I panicked inside because in my head, I draw like a five year old! We were swiftly paired off with another member of the group and sat opposite each other, then we were handed a clipboard with paper and a pencil. We were asked to study the person in front of us and find a spirit around them and to draw what we saw.
Now, as mentioned above, I had the gift for spiritual healing, and I was very lucky to be brought up in a spiritual household. I truly believed in all of this and thought I would have the ability to tap into my psychic abilities. However, whilst everyone was drawing away, I just could not see anything or anyone. As a child I was fortunate to have that innocence that allows children and animals to have a better relationship and sense of spirit, but somewhere as I moved into adulthood, I had lost that. I think we are all given the gift but it is something we have to nurture and develop as we get older. Many of us become jaded and lose the ability or belief, others need to work to tap into their gift, and then there are those who never lose it.
As I watched everyone enthusiastically sketching out their visions, I was starting to question if what I believed in was true, or did I just not possess the ability to see spirit? I was growing frustrated and wanted to just get this workshop over with. It was then, I looked at the blank paper on the clipboard and saw what appeared faintly like a face. Wanting to just get through this, I traced around what I saw in front of me and it did resemble something remotely human looking, much to my surprise! An older lady with short grey hair and a cross necklace were the distinctive features I remember. Phew! I’d managed to get something drawn.
 As we all came to a conclusion on our spirit portraits, the gentleman running the workshop asked us if we could intercept a message from the spirit we had drawn to give to the partner we had sitting across from us. Panic struck again! I asked in my head if the spirit had a message for the person in front of me and it was as if it was my own voice in my head making it up. I just thought to myself, ‘just go with it, you’ll never see them again’. Perhaps not the best way to go about it, but it was my first kind of development course and I had so much to learn about my approach to it all.
After a short intermission we regrouped and went round the room, showing our pictures and sharing the messages we had alongside them. Finally it came to us. The lady I was partnered with showed me her drawing but I didn’t recognise who it was. At this time I didn’t have many people I knew personally in spirit, but after the workshop I showed it to my dad and he instantly recognised it as his favourite aunt.
As a side note, it is always worth taking someone older to mediumship events if you can, because people can come through you might not have known in their lifetime, but your older relative might. Especially if like me at that time, you don't have many loved ones you know personally, in spirit.
Eventually it was my turn to reveal my drawing, I had butterflies in my stomach and I was just so worried that it would seem I had made it all up and the lady would be disappointed. Sheepishly I turned my paper round, she took one look and gasped audibly enough for everyone to hear. The workshop leader could see I was unnerved and encouraged me to keep on, asking me if I had a message to give. I said that I felt like it was a voice in my head and I didn’t know if I was making it up, but all I could understand was the message was “I’m sorry, I understand now”. I added that the cross I had drawn seemed to almost glow and I wasn’t sure if that was also a part of the message. My partner responded with visible emotions and was asked to explain if it resonated. She told us all that the picture was most certainly her mother, who was a devout Catholic (hence the cross being a prominent message in itself) and with herself being a spiritualist they used to fight a lot about their religious differences. But now her mother had passed over, she was telling her daughter she was sorry and she could understand. 
The joy on my partners face was so heart-warming. Even now as I write this 17 years later, I get emotional. Whenever I tell the story out loud, it has a profound effect on me, I’ll never forget it. 
I think the message to this story is - 
Trust your intuition . Sometimes you’ll feel as if it is all in your head, or you expect to feel, think or see things differently. There is no right or wrong way to sense spirit, we all have different ways and abilities and ways of contact be it clairvoyance, divination etc. The most important thing is to tap into your gift and unleash its abundant potential and most importantly, ALWAYS trust your gut feelings, they'll never steer you wrong.

Written by Stephanie