New Moon In Cancer Gathering

New Moon In Cancer Gathering
17 July, 2023

New Moon in Cancer Gathering 

We had a lovely evening last night, getting together and learning about the New Moon and what it means when in the zodiac sign of Cancer.

We always start any spiritual or magickal working by opening a circle. These are cast to create a safe and protected space in which we can do our magickal workings. It offers protection from negative energies and entities that may want to cause mischief within our energy field. The circle also acts as a core of power and once the circle is cast it creates a boundary of energy around it, leaving us able to perform rituals, meditate, spell work, or even singing and dancing! All of which will will raise the energy.

There are various ways to cast a circle. Before everyone arrived I cleansed and blessed the space with incense and placed Clear Quartz (healer and amplifier) & Black Tourmaline (protection) crystals in all four corners of the room. 

You can also use your mind to push out negative energies or a besom or broom to sweep them away. 

After we cast the circle, we went into a guided meditation that I had written specifically for the New Moon in Cancer. This helps us to channel the energy and help us relax for the evening ahead

We moved on then to the information part of the evening:

The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are aligned, with the Sun and Earth on opposite sides of the Moon, the shadowed side facing us.

New Moons are a time when the slate is wiped clean, they are the best time to start something new, get clear on the future and bring fresh energy into our lives. You can set your intentions and journal them down. Manifestation rituals are a great thing to do during this phase of the lunar calendar. The perfect time for detoxing and releasing toxins. You could do this by fasting drinking lots of fluids, drinking, herbal teas and water (if you’re wanting to do a week fast try doing this 3 days before the new Moon and 3 days after)

This phase is a good time to ask yourself the question, “What do I most want to bring forward in my life right now? How do I want to be in my relationships, my work, and with myself?”

Answering these questions can help you understand where you will want to spend your energy throughout the moon cycle.

This months New Moon (17/07/2023 at 19:31 GMT) falls in the zodiac sign of Cancer.

When the New Moon is in Cancer it ushers in a time to slow down, be patient, and feel. Cancer season is all about slowing down long enough to feel the emotions we have conveniently avoided until now. It’s a time to be patient with ourselves, to receive soul nourishment, and to feel safe in the face of our own emotions. It is a time for self care and self preservation. 

When doing any work with the New Moon we can also call on the Greek goddess Artemis or the Roman goddess Diana. These moon Goddesses become activated in us during the new moon, and harnessing their gifts can help us get crystal clear on our intentions and focused on our goals. Cultivating the Goddesses’ energies also supports us in co-creating our dreams into being, with confidence, purpose, patience, intuition and joy.

Crystals for New Moon in Cancer

Angel Aura - This stone invites angels and spirit guides into your life for clearer communication, protection, and guidance. By stimulating deep, spiritual experiences, it’s a great aid for meditation, ritual, promoting feelings of safety, peace, and forgiveness. A beautiful piece to work with all of the time, but especially during a New Moon that is associated with emotional healing - like Cancer.

Citrine - Known as a money manifestor. It’s especially potent for small business owners looking to kick things up a notch - so ask for whatever you need for your business this New Moon, set intentions and place the thoughts and energy of what you need financially into a piece of Citrine. It’s also amazing for boosting creativity, confidence and happiness.

Rose Quartz - She is the divine nurterer. Filled with unconditional love for self and others. She helps reduce any residual negative thoughts and/or fears that come up to be cleared. New Moon in Cancer is all about allowing our emotional baggage to come up, be seen, be loved and accepted, and healed. Rose Quartz is one of the best pieces to summon that inner mothering energy!

Other crystals useful for any New Moon work include:

Moonstone - As the name implies, Moonstone has a very close link to the moons power and represents feminine energy, it is protective and helps to stabilise emotions as well as bring calm. She is also thought to be helpful when manifesting, and supports and amplifies the power of your intentions.

Smokey Quartz  - Known as the stone of power, Smokey Quartz has strong grounding properties that can neutralise and protect you from negative energies while manifesting your desires. 

Labradorite - Known as the stone of destiny, Labradorite is the ultimate New Moon crystal. The iridescent flashes of light inside the stone represent the light within the darkness, much like the New Moon itself. An ideal stone for transformation and change, perfect to support you in your new moon manifesting rituals.

When we talk about rituals for any New Moon the one we always do is a manifestation. We start by writing a list of that we wish to gain or accomplish within the next lunar month. When writing these you want to do it as if they thing you want to manifest has already happened. For example “I have cleared out clothes for charity” or “I have an interview for a new job”. You always want to make the list things you can obtain within a month. Keep it realistic!

You can then burn these list and set the ashes out into the wind. There are also invocations you can say as you do it.

However, with the New Moon being in a water sign, we used this element to enhance the energy of the ritual:

After you’ve made your list, pour a small glass of water, place it on the paper and hold the cup with both hands. Recite the list out loud 3 times over, feel the energy from your body flowing to the cup of water. Once you have recited the list you can drink the water that has been charged by your words. You can then burn or bury your list after.

There are many different types of manifestation rituals out there to choose from, this being one.

As mentioned before, during the New Moon in Cancer it reminds us to prioritise healing and receiving, physically, emotionally or spiritually. This is a time to work on our inner strengths. 

Take the time to practice self-care, however that looks to you.

This can include:

Bath or a spa day

Grounding e.g walking barefoot on the grass

Spending time in nature







For our self care ritual we made our own bath pouches. If you don’t have a bath, you could gift these to somebody you feel may benefit from this.

First of all when you are putting each item into your pouch, you are doing it with intention and using the energies that you have create thus far, each item has specific healing properties that will benefit you around this time. You can also call upon the goddesses Artemis and Diana to help you bless each item. 

Himalayan Salts - This helps ease pain, relieves inflammation, aches, pains and flushes out toxins - remember to get out of the water slowly you may feel drained after, rinse yourself with warm water drink and plenty of fluids. The salts can also bring you closer to the divine as well as unblocking chakras. 

Lavender - Reduces stress and anxiety, quietens the mind and calms the body, can help with sleep too. It also aids us in communication and helps cleanse our auras. 

Rose Petals - Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, skin, toning, and moisturising. They also connect us to the goddesses such as Aphrodite, Venus and Gaia. They offer protection, healing, aid in manifestation and enhance psychic abilities.

Dried Orange - Has magical properties such as love luck, prosperity and divination and is also energising. You can use fresh citruses also. Other citrus fruits also carry their own healing properties. For example, lemons relieve tension and stress, while replenishing minerals and cleansing the skin. Also helpful, over time, to dissolve cellulite. Take this bath just before sleeping as it is deeply relaxing. Do not use frequently, may cause you to become overly tired.

Rose Quartz - Helps you to feel more nurtured and protected. Rose Quartz also teaches us to learn to love and care for ourselves, it is important to take the time to nurture our own needs if we wish to be there for others.

Not only did they look lovely, but they smelt great too!

We moved on then to some refreshments and had some lovely chats as well. It is so lovely to meet with like-minded people who are all in different stages of what I call their “spiritual development journey”. It’s important to remember that we can all learn from each other. Someone who has only just started can offer a fresh perspective to someone who has been practicing for years, and someone with the longevity can impart their gained wisdom to people who are just beginning. And that’s the beauty of our gatherings. 

We finished by closing the circle, this is a way to release the energy we have built and is a way to thank the elements and spirit for their assistance.

We look forward to hosting our next gathering and hope to see you at one soon!
