Mercury In Retrograde

Mercury In Retrograde
23 August, 2023
What is Retrograde? 
Retrograde motion is when a planet appears, when observed from Earth, to reverse direction. This happens due to an optical illusion caused by differences in orbit. In the realm of astrology, retrograde motion has negative connotations. For example, some claim that during a period of retrograde movement, it is easier for us to become more irritable, unfocused, prone to misunderstandings and conflicts, and even experience mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.

How does Mercury Retrograde affect us?Because Mercury is the planet said to rule communication, you can expect frequent misunderstandings, scheduling problems and disagreements with friends during this period. Since Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system, it enters apparent retrograde motion between three and four times a year, for about three weeks at a time. 

When is Mercury in Retrograde?
This year we have already been in Mercury Retrograde in April and can expect to be in this turbulent period from:
August 23rd - September 14th
December 13th - January 1st 

How can we survive it?
It is an important time for self care. Become aware of your feelings and how you react to situations. Retrograde is temporary but implications of your behaviour may not be. Practice breathing techniques, take time out, put things on hold, take things slowly.
It is important not to make any rash decisions or start any new projects at this time. If you need to sign a contract of some sort, if you can, delay until this period is over.
If someone or something has upset you, be mindful of your reaction, remember they are in the throes of this power too. If you can, wait it out and try to resolve situations when you have a clearer head, take notes and reassess how you feel after the retrograde period has ended.
Most importantly, look after yourself. Try some deep meditation, grounding yourself to the earth, spend time journaling or dream boarding. Bathe in the healing light of the moon, ask her for protection and guidance. However self care looks to you, do it.

The concept of Mercury retrograde should not take over your life. If you find yourself worrying too much about this cosmic phenomenon, it is a good idea to take a step back and reassess the situation. Remember that despite its influence, you still have control over how you respond to various situations in your life.
Retrograde in Virgo 

In 2023, every Mercury Retrograde period takes place while Mercury occupies an Earth sign: Taurus, Virgo amd Capricorn. 
Earth signs are rooted in reality and focused on practical matters.
Known for its meticulousness, Virgo is analytical, observational, detail-oriented, and precise. This could be to our benefit during this often turbulent time. Mercury is actually the ruling planet of Virgo, so their alliance could create a smoother than normal retrograde. But don't let it distract you. This combo can still pick a punch. Virgo typically likes to create order, even when chaos reigns. Use that to your advantage. 
Because Mercury Retrograde is a time of reflection and falling in the time of the productive earth element sign, this means we could come out of the retrograde period with more solid plans than we had when we originally entered it.
So, at the end of the day, we can use Mercury Retrograde in Virgo to our advantage. True, be cautious, be mindful of your behaviour, be careful what you say yes to (even learn the art of saying no!) but ultimately get planning for the period thereafter!

Written by Stephanie